Thought Box



by Jiya M August 25 2024, 12:00 am Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins, 8 secs

"Explore the timeless power of poetry and its ability to immortalize emotions, connect souls, and express the inexpressible, all while enriching our understanding of language and life." By Jiya M.

Being loved by a writer is to be loved eternally. Every torn page, every ink stain, every poem and story— you are in everything, hidden or obvious.

To be loved by a writer is to be immortalized in a way that is both beautiful and profound. You become a character, a chapter, a memory that will linger long after the last word is written.

Isn’t it a beautiful thought, to be the muse that a writer forever writes about?

Poetry is a powerful art form that transcends mere words, offering a unique way to express emotions and connect with others. From being immortalized in verses to understanding the depth of human experience, poetry is an essential part of life. Discover how writing and reading poems can transform your world, enrich your cognitive development, and foster a deeper appreciation for language. Explore the beauty of poetry and its ability to paint vivid pictures in your mind, making it a timeless treasure for all ages. Connect with Jiya M’s poetic journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Threads at @jiyawritesstuff. 

Poetry is more than just words on a page; it is a medium that defies description. For me, writing has always been my first love—a love that surpasses anything or anyone else. When I began writing poems almost a year ago, people told me it was probably just a phase. Even I thought it was just a ‘poetry phase’ I was going through. But poetry is transformative—it transports you to another world, a beautiful world. It’s a way to express the deepest emotions, the thoughts that reside in the corners of our souls.

But what is it about poetry that makes it so powerful? It has a unique ability to convey emotions in a way that no other art form can. The beauty of poetry lies in its freedom—there is no ‘right’ way to write it. Some might say that poetry needs to rhyme, but that simply isn’t true. A poem’s power doesn’t come from its words alone, but from how those words make you feel, from the images they paint in your mind.

Imagine a world without poetry—wouldn’t life be dull? As someone wisely said, medicine, law, business, and engineering are all necessary to sustain life, but it is poetry, beauty, romance, love—these are what we live for. Sometimes, you might not fully grasp the meaning of a line in a poem, and that’s okay. Reading poetry is about allowing emotions and imagery to wash over you, to experience whatever the poem invokes in you.

We all have thoughts, feelings, and emotions swirling inside us. What better way to express them than by translating them into words and putting them on paper? I don’t know about you, but my phone’s notes app is filled with all kinds of strange thoughts, wild emotions, and feelings that I experience all the time.

Moreover, poetry is incredibly beneficial for cognitive development, encouraging a deeper understanding and appreciation for language. It doesn’t matter what age you are or where you come from—poetry holds power for everyone. It is an ancient art, and when we embrace it, we gain a deeper understanding of those around us and, more importantly, ourselves.

Every poet today, despite their unique words and expressions, is connected by a beautiful thread. Poetry unites us in ways we might never fully understand.

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