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Cyclone Hudhud Hammers Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, India; Damage May Top $1 Billion

Cyclone Hudhud roared across India's eastern seaboard on Sunday leaving widespread damage to trees and buildings and killing at least six people despite a massive evacuatio...

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Ebola and Climate Change: Are Humans Responsible for the Severity of the Current Outbreak?

The army base, a cut of cleared land amidst a thick, verdant, unnamed jungle, is filled with soldiers and locals, dead or dying of a mystery disease. A pile of bodies burns...

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Melinda Gates: The Savior In Seattle

Melinda Gates wants to change the world. With her husband, Bill, she just might do it.

In Central Seattle sits a serene glass compound, surrounded by trees, blendin...

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Read this, and then do the maths: How many mango trees before he can count my tears?

In a distant, sleepy village in Uttar Pradesh, whose name I would have never heard had a lot of politicians and news TV's OB vans not landed there...

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Read this, and then do the maths: How many mango trees before he can count my tears?

In a distant, sleepy village in Uttar Pradesh, whose name I would have never heard had a lot of politicians and news TV’s OB vans not landed there recently to bring i...

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NASA to again launch global warming satellite

In 2009, NASA had launched a satellite to track carbon dioxide but it plunged into the ocean after liftoff. The space agency has now decided to launch a carbon copy of the ...

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Leafing out and climate change

Global warming is generally expected to bring spring forward but a connected influx of plant species from warmer southern latitudes could counteract this effect, said a stu...

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Why do millions of Indian defecate in the open?

Its early morning and local commuters are queuing up for tickets at the Kirti Nagar railway station in the Indian capital, Delhi. Along the tracks, another crowd is gatheri...

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Legal fraternity stresses on increasing green cover

The entire legal fraternity of Thane district had gathered at the Thane District and Sessions Court to promote green cover and combat global warming on the occasion of Worl...

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About 1.6 Billion People Of The World Depend On Forests For Living

First-ever survey on forest genetic resources by FAO calls for urgent measures to protect the precious resources which provide a range of economic, health and ecological be...

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