Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services Launches Videos For Mental Health Awareness Month
by The Daily Eye Team May 24 2017, 1:01 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 45 secsDidi Hirsch Mental Health Services, the Los Angeles nonprofit that is home to the nation’s leading Suicide Prevention Center, today launches “Stigma,” a nationwide digital campaign that is aimed at erasing the stigma of mental illness. The campaign includes a series of short videos that feature a diverse cross-section of Didi Hirsch clients, staffers, Board members and celebrities talking candidly about their or a family member’s experience with mental illness. The lead video focuses on “Fashion Police” Co-Producer Melissa Rivers, who lost her father to suicide. Melissa emceed Didi Hirsch’s Erasing the Stigma Leadership Awards last month and was an honoree in 2016. “We all hurt. We all have stuff we’re embarrassed by. You can’t wish these things away. So why hide them?” Rivers says in the video.