Ewan McGregor Supports Voices Of Children In Emergencies
by The Daily Eye Team May 26 2014, 4:20 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 48 secsThe European Union and UNICEF have launched a campaign to highlight the situation of millions of children around the world affected by disasters, catastrophes and conflicts – by giving some of these boys and girls the opportunity to tell their stories. UNICEF Ambassador Ewan McGregor is supporting the “Voices of Children in Emergencies” campaign, appearing in a new video together with a child refugee from Syria. “There are millions of children throughout the world who are stuck in dire situations that they didn’t create and can’t control, “said UNICEF Ambassador Ewan McGregor. “Today, I am honoured to lend my voice to these children. All children, everywhere, have the right to a voice on matters that affect them.” Children are always the most vulnerable in humanitarian crises, and most at risk of disease, malnutrition, exploitation and abuse. Many have their education interrupted and experience severe psychological distress