Haiti Charities Backed by Hollywood Luminaries in for the Long Haul
by The Daily Eye Team January 15 2014, 10:47 am Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 37 secsFour years after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, it may appear as if the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere fell off the planet, as other natural disasters and world events have overshadowed that tragedy. But although media attention has greatly diminished, a number of Hollywood-backed organizations are still hands-on in Haiti, making progress and improving the lives
of thousands. Non profits like J/P Haitian Relief Organization, Artists for Peace and Justice and the Worldwide Orphans Foundation are proving that by aggressive fundraising, hiring the right experts, employing the local community and educating Haitians from the littlest kids to adults in everything from literacy to and construction, they can make improvements in the nation where other aid organizations have failed.