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Jimmy Carter?s Call to Action ? Women, Religion, Violence and Power

Jimmy Carter?s Call to Action ? Women, Religion, Violence and Power

by The Daily Eye Team May 30 2014, 12:44 pm Estimated Reading Time: 1 min, 13 secs

Former US President Jimmy Carter’s latest book is called Call to Action – Women, Religion, Violence and Power. In a CBC interview, he spoke about his view on what women’s problems are as well as the solutions. “Not many people know the horror of what is done to women and girls,” says Carter. “Although we know the worst war in history was WWII when 32 million people were killed, in this generation five times that many little girls have been killed by their own parents for being born female instead of male or when discovering in an ultrasound that the sex is female. “We’ve lost about 60 million people in China, almost an equal number in India, where the government has imposed a limit on the size of families,” he says. “In poverty stricken areas where the government doesn’t interfere, if the family feels it can only afford to buy food for a couple of children because they don’t have any social security guarantees, they want boys. And so they execute the girls at birth.”The resulting imbalance of the sexes has a further consequence to the survivors – a shortage of brides, causing increased trade in human beings. Carter says the estimated 800,000 humans trafficked each year are worth 32 billion dollars annually, “about 80 percent of whom are girls being sold into sexual slavery.”

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