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MAMI Schedule

MAMI Schedule

by The Daily Eye Team October 17 2013, 6:22 pm Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins, 59 secs

The 15th edition of the Mumbai film festival presented by Reliance Entertainment and organized by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) will be held from 17-24 October 2013 at Liberty Cinema, Metro Big Cinema, Marine Lines as the main festival venues and Cinemax, Versova as the satellite venue. The 15th Mumbai film festival’s has an impressive lineup of 200 movies divided across 9 sections. Please see enclosed the schedule of the Academic Activities for your reference.



Metro Screen 1

Metro Screen 3

Metro Screen  2

Metro Screen 4


18th Oct


1pm -2pm

Leos Carax




Open Forum


Do film festivals help films achieve success

12 -3 pm





6pm : screening of

Restored –Classics silent film screening::

Blackmail with live music being played.




Open Forum


Alternative distribution plan for Indie films

12 – 3pm

Oscar Academy Masterclass with

Robert Neuman

12.30 – 3pm




Indian Popular film Screening


Costa Gavras




2 -3pm

Open Forum

Panel –Rejuvenation of Marathi Cinema


21st METRO


Indian Popular Film screening


Open-Forum panel :

Portrayal of women in cinema



22nd  OCT


Indian Popular

Film Screening


Open-forum panel:

Crowd culture

12 – 3pm

Oscar Acdemy/presentation

3D Screening of LITTLMERMAID



23rd  OCT


Indian Popular Film Screening

1-30 – 3pm

Waris Hussein

in conversation


Master class –

Music Composer


24th  Oct





Bruce Beresford

Master class



Date/Time Venue/Event
18th FRIDAY 7pm LIBERTY THEATEROpening of  FrenchRendez-vous
18th FRIDAY LIBERTY THEATEROpening of Spanish Retrospective
20th  Sunday 6 pm – 7pm LIBERTY-THEATEROscar Academy PresentationDIGITAL DILEMMA
22nd  TUESDAY 6pm – 8pm   LIBERTY BalconyConsulate of CANADA & Consulate of QuebecReception (PRIVATE)
22nd  TUESDAY 8pm Liberty TheaterScreening of Canadian filmVic + Flow


OPEN FORUM PANELS   Oct 18th, 2-3pm, Screen 3, Metro Cinema Do film festivals help films achieve success? Speakers :  Marc Baschet( French  producer of  Oscar winning films No Man’s Land, An episode in the life of an iron picker), , UmeshKulkarni, Anand Gandhi, Peter Van Hoof ( Programmer, International film festival of Rotterdam) Moderator : Liz Shakleton, Asia chief, Screen International

Oct 19th, 2-3pm, Screen 3, Metro Cinema Alternative distribution plan for Indie films. Speakers : Isabelle Dubar, GuneetMonga, Shubra Gupta, NandiniMansinghka Moderator : Chris Hainsworth

Oct  20th, 2-3pm, Screen 4, Metro Cinema Rejuvenation of  Marathi Cinema presented by AkhilBhartiy Marathi ChitrapatMahamandal in association with MAMISpeakers : Sanjay Jadhav(director -Duniyadari ) 2.Amitraj (Music -Duniyadari ) 3.Ashutosh Ghorpade (Director -Cultural Affair -MH GOVT ) 4.Dipti D’Cuna (Film Festivals) 5.Ambar Hadap (Story -BalakPalak ) 6.Avinash (Music-PremachiGosht ) 7.Jayesh Mujumdar (Producer -Viacom 18) Moderator: Vijay Patkar

Oct  21st, 2-3pm, Screen 3. Metro Cinema Portrayal  of women in cinema Speakers: Shobhaa De, Nandita Das, SriramRaghvan Moderator :MayankShekhar   Oct 22nd, 2-3pm, Screen 3, Metro Cinema Crowd Culture Speakers:Satish/ Yogesh: Catapooolt ,Nandini: (Idyabooster-) ,AmeetNaik:( Naik and NaikAssociates ), SarthakDasgupta    Q & A’s Oct 18th, 1-2pm , Screen 1, Metro Cinema Leos Carax in Conversation with Ian Birnie   Oct 20th, 1-2pm, Screen 3, Metro Cinema Costa Gavras in Conversation with Daniel Kothenshulte  

MASTERCLASSES   Oct 19th, Saturday, 12noon, Screen 2 GETTING PERSPECTIVE:THE ART AND SCIENCE OF 3D MOTION PICTURES Presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences   Hosted by Robert Neuman   As developments in 3D technologies and digital projection continue to advance, filmmakers are expanding their use of 3D into a wider range of movies in ways that are more immediate and visceral than ever before.   Hosted by Academy member Robert Neuman, “Getting Perspective” will serve as a stereoscopic primer, exploring basic mechanics of the medium including intraocular distance, audience position, active vs. passive glasses, and circular vs. linear polarization, then delve into such issues as before-screen vs. behind-screen 3D convergence, audience eye fatigue, adapting big-screen 3D effects for video, the challenges of subtitling, and where stereoscopic 3D film production may be heading in the future.

October 20th, Sunday at the Liberty Theater, 6 p.m   The Digital Dilemma:Motion Pictures At Risk in a Digital World Presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences   2007’s landmark study from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on digital motion picture preservation issues, The Digital Dilemma, reported from the perspective of the major motion picture studios and large commercial and government organizations. A new study, The Digital Dilemma 2, reports on digital motion picture preservation issues from the perspective of independent filmmakers, documentarians and nonprofit audiovisual archives. Independent filmmakers produce 75 percent of theatrical releases in the United States, and there are more than 1,000 nonprofit audiovisual archives worldwide. These groups often lack the resources, personnel and funding to address sustainability issues, and they face their own version of the digital dilemma. The Academy will discuss the report’s findings, which include proposed interim options for these independent filmmakers and nonprofit archives to consider. Presenters: Milton Shefter, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences member and Digital Motion Picture Archive project lead Andy Maltz, director of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Science and Technology Council   The program will include a panel discussion moderated by Variety’s Asia Bureau Chief, Patrick Frater.

October 22, Tuesday, Screen 2, Metro Theater, 12 p.m. GETTING PERSPECTIVE:THE LITTLE MERMAID 3D Premiering a 3D digital projection courtesy of Walt Disney Studios   Presented by Academy member Robert Neuman Introduction, followed by the screening of THE LITTLE MARMAID In conjunction with “Getting Perspective: The Art and Science of 3D Motion Pictures,” the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presents the Indian premiere of “The Little Mermaid 3D.”   Based on the Danish fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, “The Little Mermaid” tells the story of a mermaid who falls in love with a human prince. The film is credited as launching the Disney Renaissance, a period that gave birth to such hand-drawn classics as “Beauty and the Beast” (1991), “Aladdin” (1992), and “The Lion King” (1994).   Preceding the screening, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ stereoscopic department head, Robert Neuman will discuss the process and challenges of crafting stereoscopic-3D versions of existing 2D animated films.

Oct 23, Metro Cinema, 12-3pm, Screen 2 Music Composer Masterclass Speakers: Achile Forler (MD of Universal Music Publishing India) Lucy Launder (Head of Mastering at Abbey Road Studios) Christian Wright (Mastering Engineer Abbey Road Studios) Jonathan Allen (Mix Engineer Abbey Road Studios) Moderator:  Andrew Mackay

Oct 24, Metro Cinema, 130pm – 3pm, Screen 3 Masterclass by Bruce Beresford on Preparation by the Director A key factor in this preparation is story boarding the scenes. An invaluable tool, especially for young directors working on their first feature. Storyboards force the director to think about what it is he or she is doing; how the visuals will relate to one another and how different angles, lenses etc will best tell the story and reveal the characters.

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