Mariel Hemingway To Be Honored By Mental Health Awareness Movement
by The Daily Eye Team May 24 2014, 11:26 am Estimated Reading Time: 1 min, 15 secsOscar nominated actress, best-selling author, and acclaimed subject of the documentary film “Running From Crazy”, Mariel Hemingway, will receive a Leadership in Media Award for her work as a strong Mental Health Advocate and Anti-Stigma Speaker at the National Alliance on Mental Illness Westside Los Angeles Gala. She will also discuss the impact seven suicides have had on her and her family including her grandfather, Ernest Hemingway. Fact: One in four people in the world will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime. That’s 25% of all people. It’s a startling statistic, but the National Alliance on Mental Illness is there to help people when they are hit with this illness.
NAMI Westside Los Angeles (NAMI WLA) raises funds to provide free help with local support groups, phone crisis assistance and educational programs for families and their loved ones to get information on mental health issues. These issues often come as a shock to families and NAMI WLA is there to help them. They have helped thousands of families and want to continue to help many more with additional funding and contributions from the public and Corporate Sponsors. Dr. Marvin J. Southard, Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, known as one of the largest mental health organizations in the world, will receive his award for helping hundreds of thousands in our community to receive mental health assistance: The “Excellence in Public Service Award”.