‘My Little Pony’ Producer to Direct ‘Medusa’ for Sony Pictures Animation (Exclusive)
by The Daily Eye Team June 16 2014, 10:30 am Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 55 secs“Friendship Is Magic’s” Lauren Faust will helm a comedic take of the classic myth of the monster with snakes for hair Sony Pictures Animation has hired Lauren Faust to direct a movie about Medusa, the snake-haired monster from Greek mythology. Faust created My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic,” a popular television series inspired by the colorful Hasbro toys. “Antz” writer Todd Alcott and producer Holly Golden sold the studio on a comedy pitch about a beautiful, young girl who transforms into Medusa, a gorgon whose gaze turns people to stone. Also read: Sony’s Foster Driver Joins Disney as Creative Executive (Exclusive) “I love the originality of it, the comedy take on Medusa,” Michelle Raimo-Kouyate, president of production at Sony Animation, told The Wrap. “The minute I heard it, it felt ingenious and clever and funny.” Faust told The Wrap the movie will portray Medusa as a decent girl who irks the wrong goddess. After turning into a monster, she learns to embrace what makes her different.