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New York City Drone Film Festival Takes Filmmaking To New Heights

New York City Drone Film Festival Takes Filmmaking To New Heights

by The Daily Eye Team March 21 2017, 2:25 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 49 secs

The Oscars were held last month, but it’s not the last awards show of the season. This weekend was the third annual drone film festival. From the skyscrapers of New York to the cliffs of Ibiza, drones are taking hobbyists and filmmakers to new heights -- and capturing extreme athletes in ways never seen before.“It can go anywhere you want -- and that’s amazing -- as long as the operator is good enough to put it there,” said Randy Scott Slavin of the NYC Drone Film Festival. Slavin is gearing up for the third annual New York City Drone Film Festival -- a growing event he started after seeing an emerging number of drone videos without a proper outlet to showcase their work. “Drones are all over the place, you see them on every film set, every commercial set,” Slavin said. “You see them on TV all the time.”


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