One Of Hollywood’s Biggest Billboards Salutes Mariska Hargitay And “No More” PSA Campaign To End Domestic Violence And Sexual Assault
by The Daily Eye Team February 27 2014, 12:08 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 42 secsThe NO MORE PSA campaign, spearheaded by Mariska Hargitay’s Joyful Heart Foundation in partnership with NO MORE-a national movement galvanizing greater awareness and action to end domestic violence and sexual assault-got a very big kickoff in Hollywood recently…a three-story high kickoff, in fact. The 12-story 1600 VINE apartment complex at Hollywood and Vine donated their three-story billboard to Joyful Heart to initiate the landmark structure’s policy of supporting Hollywood-based charities and activism.
The national NO MORE PSA campaign, which features televisions and print ads with over 40 iconic public figures, generates awareness for domestic violence and sexual assault and encourage bystanders to help. With over 40,000 views a day and visibility from the 101 Freeway, the 1600 VINE billboard is helping power NO MORE’s effort to encourage public engagement around violence and abuse.