
Could An Algorithm Replace The Pill?

Could An Algorithm Replace The Pill?

by The Daily Eye Team November 9 2016, 1:33 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 33 secs

Cern scientist Elina Berglund developed an app to monitor her own fertility, with impressive results. Now thousands of women are using Natural Cycles to prevent – and plan – pregnancy IUDs, implants, condoms and the ever-present pill: for years, contraceptive methods have remained run-of-the-mill while the search for a new alternative that could revolutionise the industry has come up short. Recent headlines have focused on the negative aspects of traditional hormonal birth control: the pill causes depression and gender mutation in freshwater fish, while a clinical trial for a male contraceptive jab was abandoned when the subjects began suffering side-effects already well-known to women.


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