
  Government To Rope In Local Stars To Push Family Planning Measures In Affected Areas

Government To Rope In Local Stars To Push Family Planning Measures In Affected Areas

by The Daily Eye Team June 24 2017, 5:57 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 57 secs

Local radio spots with messages from local actors would be promoted to create awareness in UP, Bihar, MP, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Assam. The government is planning to rope in regional stars to push its family planning programme in states and districts where the average family size is bigger than the national norm.Local radio spots with messages from local actors would be promoted to create necessary awareness, as part of health ministry’s ‘Mission Parivar Vikas’ to control Total Fertility Rate (TFR) — the number of children a woman produces during her reproductive age. Data analysis from across the country found 146 districts in seven states with a TFR as high as 3 and above. The national average is 2.3, and for population to stabilise, the ideal rate is said to be 2.1. “We did a micro analysis at the district level of the reasons behind our family planning programmes not showing desired results in these districts,” said CK Mishra, health secretary, adding that they have designed a plan keeping in mind their specific needs that includes roping in local stars, among other things.


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