Health Ministry Launches Longitudinal Ageing Study In India
by The Daily Eye Team March 26 2016, 2:57 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 36 secsThe Ministry of Health & Family Welfare launched the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI), here today. Launching the project, Shri B P Sharma, Secretary (HFW) stated that this is the largest surveyof its kind. It will survey more than 60,000elderly over 25 years plan. He further added that this survey will provide scientifically validated data on various issues of the elderly. The importance of the study derives from the increasing portion of elderly population in the country. The study will provide valuable data on their health needs, and issues faced by them given the changing social structures, and help us to draw policy tools to address their issues," said Shri B P Sharma, Secretary Health.