
It’s 2016. Why Don’t We Have A Male Contraceptive Pill?

It’s 2016. Why Don’t We Have A Male Contraceptive Pill?

by The Daily Eye Team November 1 2016, 10:07 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 35 secs

It’s a question that scientists have been trying to solve for decades - with promising developments, new research, new methods, and terms like “dry orgasm” (methods that stop ejaculation altogether) cropping up along the way.But, it’s 2016 and there’s still no readily-available, long-term, reversible contraceptive for men.
Why aren’t we there yet? And what have scientists already tried? The most recent research: a contraceptive injectionPublished last week, a controversial study showed the efficacy of a combination hormonal contraceptive injection for men. According to its Australian co-author, endocrinologist Professor Robert McLachlan, the injection was about as reliable as some female contraceptive methods.


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