
Most Kids In India Lack Timely Vaccinations

Most Kids In India Lack Timely Vaccinations

by The Daily Eye Team June 6 2016, 3:39 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 40 secs

Two-thirds of children in India do not receive their vaccinations on time, prolonging their susceptibility to diseases and contributing to untimely deaths, say University of Michigan researchers. New research by U-M's School of Public Health found that only 18 percent of children are vaccinated with the recommended three doses of DPT vaccine, while about a third receive the measles vaccination by 10 months under the government-supported immunization program. Their study is believed to be the first that looks at vaccination timeliness data for children up to 5 years of age, both with and without immunization cards.
"This is a systemic problem," said the study's lead author, Nijika Shrivastwa, who recently finished her doctorate in epidemiology at U-M and is now at the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.


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