
What Works And What’s Missing In The New Global Goals

What Works And What’s Missing In The New Global Goals

by The Daily Eye Team November 5 2015, 6:02 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 48 secs

At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September, the U.N. officially launched the new global Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals and 169 associated targets are the result of 193 countries standing together and making a plan for a healthier, more prosperous world. The plan lays out some very lofty goals — they cover health, education, the environment, economic growth and more. Some say it’s impossible to achieve them all. And yes, the magnitude of what we as a global community are proposing is daunting. We’ll need to make structural changes in governance, financing, and implementation. We’ll need the fields of global development, research, and finance to embrace a new way of looking at the world — of thinking about environmental threats and disease prevention together, for example, instead of as unrelated issues. And we’ll need new funding schemes to accommodate this more integrated approach.


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