Thought Box



by Vandana Kumar August 1 2024, 12:00 am Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins, 36 secs

An unforgettable encounter: How selling our Ambassador car led to an evening with Bengali cinema legend Soumitra Chatterjee. Vandana Kumar writes…

In 2020, the world of art and cinema faced loss with the passing of Soumitra Chatterjee, a legendary Bengali actor known for his roles in classics like 'Charulata,' 'Apur Sansar,' and 'Sonar Kella.' This tribute reflects a personal encounter that left a lasting impression.

A Year of Profound Loss

2020 was undoubtedly a year that changed everything for us overnight. The pandemic brought not only widespread loss of life and livelihoods but also struck a severe blow to the world of art and cinema. The deaths of beloved figures, from childhood heartthrobs like Rishi Kapoor to consummate actors like Irrfan Khan, were hard enough to bear. However, the loss of Soumitra Chatterjee on November 15, 2020, was particularly poignant.

Soumitra Chatterjee: A Legacy of Excellence

Undoubtedly, Soumitra Chatterjee was one of the finest actors Bengal has produced. It's hard to choose a single favourite character from his oeuvre, but if pressed, I would name Apu, Feluda, and Amal in ‘Charulata’. Though I didn't know him personally, meeting him as a young girl at my residence in Kolkata made me feel otherwise forever.

A Memorable Encounter

It was the early 1980s in Kolkata, and my father was looking to sell his 10-year-old Ambassador car. A Bengali gentleman from ‘Dunlop India’, who knew the actor, informed my father that Soumitra Chatterjee was interested in buying the car for his son. My father, surprised, asked, "Are you sure? You did mention it's not new, right?" The gentleman replied that the actor didn't want his son to be spoiled and wanted him to start with a used car.

A Star's Humility

The car was in excellent condition, and Baba was thrilled at the prospect of meeting not just a star, but an actor associated with the great Satyajit Ray. He asked the gentleman to arrange a meeting with Mr. Chatterjee. Baba and Soumitra Chatterjee spoke over the phone, and though I'm not sure what was said, they apparently discussed Bengali cinema. The next thing I knew, Mr. Chatterjee agreed to come to our place for drinks before finalizing the deal.

An Evening to Remember

It wasn’t a flat being sold—just an ordinary, second-hand car. We couldn't believe that someone of his stature would make the effort to meet in person for something that could have been handled with a simple cheque. What was supposed to be ‘snacks and one drink’ turned into an evening that stretched to dinner. I remember how down-to-earth and likable he was, with no airs about him. He discussed everyday things, like people he knew in our society flats, Park Street, and how fantastic the location of my father’s office (Dunlop India Ltd) was.

A Personal Memory

They say the only secrets well-kept are the ones you keep to yourself. Naturally, I shared this exciting news with my best friend in the building, naively expecting it not to spread. My mother was out of town, and my father was surprised when three neighbouring families showed up at our place. Curious folks, including the chowkidar, gathered at our apartment entrance. My father suspected I had something to do with it. With only one sofa, there was no place for me to sit. Seeing this, Soumitra Chatterjee asked me to sit next to him. My father beamed, silently encouraging me to initiate a conversation. Tongue-tied and utterly fascinated, I forgot all the questions I had planned to ask.  


A Lasting Impression

From that moment on, his films didn't matter to me—good, bad, or otherwise. He was the Bengali megastar who praised our well-maintained Ambassador, the down-to-earth man asking about building maintenance and parking issues in our housing cooperative. He was the person who now owned our car, and most importantly, he was the star I had sat next to. I was eternally grateful to the curious neighbours who turned up, making it possible for me to sit beside him. The next day, I proudly boasted at school about how we sold our car to Mr. Soumitra Chatterjee. For me, the loss will always feel different.   

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