
Breastfeeding linked with mental health

Mothers who successfully breastfeed baby less likely to get postnatal depression new mothers who successfully breastfeed their babies are less likely to get postnatal depressi...

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Hormone ‘protects brains of Premature babies’

The hormone erythropoietin (EPO) could prevent brain injuries in very premature babies, a study suggests. Brain scans show EPO – used illegally by athletes to boost perf...

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Some hard truths on safe motherhood

Maternal deaths should be treated as a human rights issue and governments need to focus on best antenatal practices and provision of emergency obstetric care to bring down the...

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Dash of Salt Does No Harm, Extremes Are the Enemy

For years, we have known that diets high in salt can be bad for people with high blood pressure. A study published recently in The New England Journal of Medicine confirmed th...

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Now, a treatment for mouth cancer that kills only cancerous cells!

Cancer of the mouth and throat are the most common cancers in Indian males, because of the high incidence of smoking, chewing tobacco and the widespread use of pan masala. In ...

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Polio eradication by vaccination: good news and bad

A clinical trial gives hope that the right vaccination scheme could eradicate polio worldwide by 2018. Another study, though, warns that mutated viruses could jeopardize that ...

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Emergency call

Nearly 140,000 people in India died in road accidents last year. Several communicable diseases together do not take such a huge toll on human life. But the country does not se...

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Less than 500 days left, can India meet its MDG targets?

Going by current trends, the target for reducing infant mortality and improving other human development indices seem near impossible to achieve Less that 500 days are left for...

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The World Health Organization Says Yes To An Experimental Ebola Drug

A panel of experts convened by the World Health Organization has unanimously endorsed the idea of offering unproven vaccines or treatments to help combat the unprecedented Ebo...

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8 states report 71% of total infant deaths

Have you ever wondered why child death (IMR) and mother death (MMR) are going down so slowly in India? Part of the answer can be found in a recent survey report put out by the...

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Cults led by godmen erode rational discourse and exploit vulnerable populations. In time...

July 5 2024


Rahul Gandhi’s inaugural speech as Leader of the Opposition marks a pivotal moment...

July 3 2024


In a time of global tensions, Shatrughan Sinha’s dignified presence at his daughte...

July 2 2024