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Abortion,  Contraception,  And Equality:  Honoring 100  Years Of  Reproductive  Rights

Abortion, Contraception, And Equality: Honoring 100 Years Of Reproductive Rights

by The Daily Eye Team October 17 2016, 3:30 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 37 secs

October 16, 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood, an organization that has fought from its outset to ensure that women are treated humanely, that we are trusted and given control over our own reproductive futures.

Over the past century, there have been astonishing advancements in sexual and reproductive freedom: One hundred years ago, contraception and abortion were illegal nationwide, and distributing information about birth control was considered a criminally obscene act. Many young women today are accustomed to making their own reproductive choices with little constraint, but several of those freedoms were only recently won—birth control wasn't fully legalized until 1972, abortion was banned until 1973, and at-home pregnancy tests weren't available until 1977.


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