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At The Military Film Festival, Veterans Are The Target Audience

At The Military Film Festival, Veterans Are The Target Audience

by The Daily Eye Team May 20 2016, 11:41 am Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 34 secs

Master Sgt. Juan Valdez was the last Marine to climb off the roof at the U.S. Embassy and into a helicopter that skirted the horizon as North Vietnamese fighters surged toward Saigon. The images from that day in 1975 were visceral and cinematic, marking America’s defeat and the unsettled legacy of the Vietnam veteran.
Documentaries and feature films have since given perspective to that war and its soldiers. But it is hard, said Valdez, who traveled to the Mojave Desert last week to speak at the first ever 29 Palms Military Film Festival, to authentically capture the scents, visions and surreal moments that grind through bloodshed and battle.


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