Mahesh Bhatt, Garry Lyons to preside over Elevate 2015
by The Daily Eye Team March 4 2015, 12:51 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 36 secsCoinciding with the International Women’s Day, Garry Lyons of the University of Leeds, UK, along with activist-filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, will preside over Elevate 2015, the second annual conclave to be held on March 5 at The Club, Mumbai, and this week. The event will be marked by panel discussions, followed by felicitations of various network and studio teams, film and television writers, producers and directors, whose projects have made a profound impact on audiences. It is being organized as part of The Third Eye program; a free-on-demand resource centre for information on sustainable development, climate change, health, legal and rights issues for filmmakers and creative communities, leading in the business of media and entertainment in India.