Wanna be a Cinephile Conversation Expert? Have a look at the 100+ Film Words added to the Oxford English Dictionary
by Shruthi Venkatesh October 12 2018, 12:02 pm Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins, 26 secsThe Oxford English Dictionary has taken another step forward by adding more than 100 words and phrases from the film world. Over the years, the dictionary has opened itself to words from diverse sources. And the latest revision has an eclectic mix of words related to cinema. No wonder this new update is a zeal for those English lovers out there. To name a few - Spielbergian, Tarantinoesque, Kubrickian, Keatonesque, Bergmanesque has now been included in the OED. These words have meant to define the characteristics of the films directed by famous film directors such as Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Stanley Kubrick, Buster Keaton and Ingmar Bergman.
To master these words one must hold a casual cinephile conversation. Speilbergian denotes fantastical or humanist themes or a sentimental feel. While Tarantinoesque represents qualities like graphic and stylized violence, cineliterate references, non-linear storylines, sharp dialogue, and more. Kubrickian marks the meticulous perfectionism, mastery of the technical aspects of film-making and atmospheric visual style in films across a range of genres. Foley is the art of adding incidental sounds to movies in post-production and Gorehound, a genre whose sensibility you can well imagine. Keatonesque refers to Keaton’s famous deadpan expression and penchant for physical comedy. Lynchian is noted for juxtaposing surreal or sinister elements with mundane, everyday environments.
Add new words to your vocabulary (foodnavigator.com)
“The phrase ‘the language of cinema’ typically refers to visual literacy; how cuts, close-ups, and camera movement are used as a form of communication. But film has its own vocabulary too, an ever-expanding lexicon, added to whenever new technology, techniques, pictures, or people make an impact on the English language,” says Craig Leyland, senior editor of the new words team at the OED in a press release. “With this in mind we examined online databases and specialist film resources to identify over 100 new words, phrases, and senses from the world of cinema for inclusion in the OED”, he added.
OED (The Independent)
According to a recent update by the First Post, this year's revision also includes words and phrases derived from reel characters and situations. For instance, the phrase 'Mrs Robinson' refers to an older woman engaging in a sexual relationship with a much younger man. Similarly, the much-used phrase 'not in Kansas anymore' means ‘in a strange or unfamiliar place or situation’, or ‘undergoing a new experience’, is derived from 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz. In the film, Dorothy tells Toto “I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore,” after being whisked away by the tornado. Such words are said to be used in the art of filmmaking.
These words are now an outset to the film makers of the new generation, granting them the chance to be more innovative. Hats off to OED to show the brand new world of Cinematic English!