Pakistani polio strain threatens global campaign
by The Daily Eye Team March 3 2014, 10:37 am Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 41 secsPakistan — Just a few weeks ago, 11-month-old Shaista was pulling herself up, giggling as she took her first wobbly steps with the helping hand of her teenage mother.
Then the polio virus struck and Shaista was no longer able to stand, her legs buckling beneath her weight. Today, her mother cries a lot and wonders what will become of her daughter in Pakistan’s male-dominated society, where a woman’s value is often measured by the quality of her husband.
“It is not a hardship just for the child, but for the whole family,” said the child’s 18-year-old mother, Samia Gul. “It is very difficult for a poor family like us. She will be dependent on us for the rest of her life.”