Environment: New AI Records Dolphin Chatter And Reveals Six Unknown Click Types
by Yash Saboo December 11 2017, 5:26 pm Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins, 35 secsDolphin tracking is traditionally done with boats or planes, but that’s expensive, says study co-author Kaitlin Frasier, an oceanographer at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif. A cheaper alternative is to sift through seafloor recordings — which pick up the echolocation clicks that dolphins make to navigate, find food and socialize. By comparing different click types to recordings at the surface — where researchers can see which animals are making the noise — scientists can learn what different species sound like, and use those clicks to map the animals’ movements deep underwater.
In reference to the above technology, scientists have come up with an Artificial Intelligence. A new computer program has an ear for dolphin chit-chat.
Researchers working in the Gulf of Mexico spent two years making recordings of dolphin echolocation clicks using autonomous underwater sensors. An “unsupervised” algorithm uncovered six previously unknown types of dolphin echolocation clicks in underwater recordings from the Gulf of Mexico, researchers report online December 7 in PLOS Computational Biology. Identifying which species produce the newly discovered click varieties could help scientists better keep tabs on wild dolphin populations and movements.
They fed an algorithm 52 million clicks recorded over two years by near-seafloor sound sensors across the Gulf of Mexico. The algorithm grouped echolocation clicks based on similarities in speed and pitch — the same criteria human experts use to classify clicks.
The algorithm picked out seven major kinds of clicks, which the researchers think are made by different dolphin species. Frasier’s team recognized one class as being made by a species called Risso’s dolphin. The scientists suspect that another group of clicks, most common in recordings near the Green Canyon south of Louisiana, was produced by short-finned pilot whales that frequent this region. Another type resembles sounds from the eastern Pacific Ocean that a dolphin called the false killer whale makes.
Dr. Frasier praised the technology and said, “It’s fun to think about how the machine learning algorithms used to suggest music or social media friends to people could be re-interpreted to help with ecological research challenges”.
Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and use and different species use different types of click to echolocate, as the species is diverse.
To confirm the identifications found, the researchers now need to compare their computer-generated categories against surface observations of these dolphins, Frasier says.
The algorithm’s click classes may not match up with dolphin species one-to-one, says Baumann-Pickering. If that were the case, “we would expect to see a heck of a lot more categories, really, based on the number of species that ought to be in that area,” she says. That absence suggests that some closely related species produce highly similar clicks the algorithm didn’t tease apart.
Still, “it would be great to be able to confidently assign certain species to each of the different click types, even if more than one species is assigned to a single click type,” says Lynne Hodge, a marine biologist at Duke University.