Manipur: Indian School Girls Drag Broken Down Bus Uphill
by The Daily Eye Team May 6 2017, 2:55 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 52 secsA photograph of Indian schoolgirls dragging a bus uphill in slippery mud after it broke down has gone viral, with Twitter users citing it as an example of true “girl power”. The teenagers from Manipur, in north-east India, were returning from a school trip to Loktak Lake when the bus reportedly got stuck in thick mud. At least two dozen teenagers in traditional dress can be seen in the picture heaving the large vehicle up a steep incline using a thick rope. The girls are believed to be students of Waikhomani Girls' College, near the city of Imphal, close to the Myanmar border. An image of the feat was first shared by Twitter user Lawai BemBem, a women's rights activist based in Manipur. Their post has been retweeted 3,400 times and liked nearly 4,000 times in two days. Many people praised the girls, “saluting their courage” in an “adverse situation”, and describing them as "empowered women" who prove “nothing is impossible”.