New collaboration opens doors for economic security for women
by The Daily Eye Team July 30 2014, 8:58 am Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 39 secsGreenfield Community College and area women’s and domestic violence resource advocacy groups are partnering to empower at-risk women in transition in Franklin County. The Franklin County Women’s GARDEN (Growing Agricultural Resiliency and Developing Economic Networks) Project is a new three-year partnership, funded through a $20,000 grant from the Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts. Partner members include GCC’s Sustainable Agriculture and Green Energy (SAGE) Education Center, Montague Catholic Social Ministries in Turners Falls, the New England Learning Center for Women in Transition in Greenfield and Orange, and Seeds of Solidarity in Orange. The project is designed to empower at-risk women in transition through new skills attainment in sustainable agriculture and food preservation to take steps towards food security and economic independence