Queen Bee Syndrome’: The Myth That Keeps Working Women In Their Little Box
by The Daily Eye Team June 12 2015, 6:09 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 36 secsThe idea popularised by Heathers and The Devil Wears Prada, that successful women connive to keep other women down, bears no relation to reality. A new survey by Columbia Business School has swatted that theory away Rejoice, fellow drones! Ding, dong! The Queen Bee is dead! A survey by Columbia Business School in New York of 1,500 companies over a 20-year period suggests that female in-fighting is a myth. And there is no such thing as “Queen Bee syndrome”, whereby successful women scheme and connive to keep all the corporate honey for themselves. The results of the survey will be presented at a conference of leading British girls’ schools this week.