
Rajasthan: Villagers Convert 52 Hectares Of Barren Land Into A Lake

Rajasthan: Villagers Convert 52 Hectares Of Barren Land Into A Lake

by The Daily Eye Team July 9 2016, 11:46 am Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 32 secs

The residents of Ramsar village worked very hard for five months and converted a barren land in their village into a lake to conserve water. The 52 hectare barren land near Bhilo ki Basti in Ramsar was used by the villagers as the dumping ground for garbage. Today, with eight inches of water received during the pre-monsoon showers, the lake is filled up. The administration sanctioned Rs. 8 lakh for the lake, which is now five feet deep and has a capacity of 4.08 TMC (thousand million cubic feet). It is also helping recharge wells in the nearby villages that had dried up during the summers.


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