
Yes, Even Doctor Barbie Sends Girls the Wrong Message

Yes, Even Doctor Barbie Sends Girls the Wrong Message

by The Daily Eye Team January 9 2016, 3:07 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 33 secs

The last few years have been tough ones for Barbie. Sales have declined significantly, dropping 16 percent in 2014 alone. In an effort to jumpstart the sagging brand, Mattel has launched a new marketing campaign called, “Imagine the Possibilities.” The signature ad for the campaign features little girls in professional roles in otherwise normal settings: a girl professor in front of a lecture hall, a girl veterinarian attending to a sick cat, a girl coach barking orders at a men’s soccer team. Dressed in sports garb, she blows on her whistle and yells, “Knees up! Like a unicorn. Higher! Higher!”


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