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Climate Change Is Increasing ER Visits For Diseases And Injuries Unrelated To Heat

People of all ages -?not just the elderly -?are more at risk of death and emergency room visits as the earth warms, a recent study has found. The?study, published this mont...

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The Many Faces Of Media

Panoramic landscapes of rock formations on face of the earth are not the only structures that present the spectacle of erosion. What takes infinite centuries to change the ...

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Hear The Poor Cry

A Very significant document has come out. It is a letter from Pope Francis addressed to everyone on this planet.

Pope Francis is head of the world’s largest r...

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This Satellite Is Sending Amazing Images Of Earth – And Protecting Us From Solar Flares

A million miles from Earth, a new satellite with a long history is now keeping an eye on both our own planet and the particles flowing from the sun. The satellite, position...

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How Climate Change Is Making Wildfires Worse

In a vicious cycle, wildfires are also making climate change worse, a study finds increasingly hot and dry climates, the result of global climate change, have led to a wors...

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Explosive Intervention By Pope Francis Set To Transform Climate Change Debate

The most anticipated papal letter for decades will be published in five languages on Thursday. It will call for an end to the ?tyrannical? exploitation of nature by mankind...

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Meet The Only Prominent GOP Presidential Candidate Who Accepts Climate Science

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced that he?s running for President on Monday, officially becoming the ninth declared Republican candidate. Of all of them, he?s only one o...

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Educating for Sustainable Development

PARIS ? This year marks a turning point for the world, with the international community adopting a new global development strategy in September and negotiating a universal ...

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Link Between Unseasonal Rains, Disasters & Climate Change: Is India Playing The Ostrich?

Soon after the 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Nepal in end-April, geologists based in Europe asserted that the tragedy was caused by climate change. These experts were of the ...

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Of Right Words And Persistent Images

‘Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, o...

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