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Remembering Nelson Mandela and His Fight for Climate Justice

Nelson Mandela has been a fighter for Human and Civil Rights his entire life. However, not much is known
about his fight for climate change and the people that have be...

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China Releases Blueprint for Adapting to Climate Change

China issued its first nation-wide blueprintfor adapting to climate change, as governments around the world shift their efforts from focusing solely on curbing global warmi...

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Warsaw talks a failure, but there is still hope for climate change cooperation

Negotiators from over 190 countries gathered recently in Warsaw to lay the framework for a global climate agreement that is expected to be signed in 2015 in Paris. Warsaw w...

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Artic releasing methane alarmingly faster than thought

US Methane Emissions Are 70% Higher Than Previously Estimated a new Harvard report says, reports Bobby Magill at Climate Central. Southeast oil and gas operations are emitt...

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Diseases on the move because of climate change

Coccidioides is a fungus that lives in the soil in the southwestern United States. It can cause a respiratory infection known as Valley Fever or “cocci.” Cases ...

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Vinta Nanda
Managing Director
Asian Center for Entertainment & Educatio...

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The Eye of the Storm

Vinta Nanda
Managing Director
Asian Center for Entertainment & Edu...

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EPA head bets on China for climate change support

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy is optimistic that China will get on board with President Barack Obama’s climate change initiatives, espec...

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2?C rise will be a disaster say leading scientists

Governments have set the wrong target to limit climate change. The goal at present ? to limit global warming to a maximum of 2?C higher than the average for most of human h...

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Pacific faces big economic losses from climate change: Asian Development Bank

The Pacific region faces serious economic losses due to?climate change?and it is criti...

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