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Impact Of Budget 2017 On Healthcare Sector: High On Ambition, Low On Vision

Much has been written and spoken about India’s healthcare system, its creaking facilities, its shortage of doctors, its lack of insurance coverage and the rising burd...

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“A Note On Who Are The “Kool Cats”

kool K.A.T.S.!

(Kids Art To Strays)


WHO? We are kids who love to paint and love animals!


WHAT? Come buy affordable and...

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150 Films, 50 Bands Showcased At Richmond International Film Festival

Richmond doesn’t need to be the next Austin – or Portland – though both cities have inspiring qualities. Look around, and the River City is already giving...

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Beauty May Be In The Eyes Of The Beholder, But It's More Than Skin Deep

On March 8, Mumbai will host an unusual pageant: a beauty contest, but one where all the participants live with 100% visual disability. The preparations for Princess India ...

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TFW The Radioactive Garbage From Your Lab Turns Out To Be A Potential Cancer Treatment

There's an old adage that one person's trash is another person's treasure. Take the case of a Canadian physics lab that realized the radioactive waste it had been stockpili...

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Mumbai Youth Write Love Letters To The Elderly In A Thane Old Age Home For Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day may be considered the most romantic day of the year for some, but for others it becomes the loneliest. While young couples spend their day enjoying pa...

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Melinda Gates: I Wouldn't Be Where I Am Today Without Contraceptives

Growing up in a Catholic household in Texas, I never would have guessed that I would one day travel around the world talking about the benefits of contraceptives. I certain...

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New LHC Experiments May Help Explain What Happened To All The Antimatter

For every particle in the universe, physicists believe that there should exist an antiparticle with the same mass, but the opposite charge. When a particle and an antiparti...

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Hundreds Of Whales Die In Mass Stranding On New Zealand Beach

Rescuers are trying to save dozens of whales after a mass stranding on a New Zealand beach thought to be the largest in decades. The Department of Conservation (DOC) discov...

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How An All Women’s Mosque In Lucknow Went Solar

An all women’s mosque is a rarity in itself, but Ambar Shaista, the founder of Ambar Mosque, is not done being the pioneer of much-needed change. Thanks to solar stal...

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