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No Dark Sarcasm In The Classroom

“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”&nb...

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Tired Hands, Weary Feet

‘Slavery is legally banned. But millions of India’s children live and work in slave labour conditions — bonded labour,...

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NASA And FEMA Practiced Emergency Operations For An Asteroid Impact

The year is 2020 and Los Angeles is about to be wiped off the face of the planet. You’ve known this day was coming since the fall of 2016, when the asteroid that is o...

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India To Participate In Cairo Int’l Film Fest

India will participate with three movies in the 38th Cairo International Film Festival to be held here next month. The movies will participate in three different categories...

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How Google Is Using Big Data To Protect The Environment

For many people, Google is simply the gateway to a vast archive of facts and memories. For those who pay closer attention to its business dealings, the company also invests...

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Mercury Is More Earth-Like Than We Thought

Mercury has been hiding an exciting secret: the closest planet to our Sun is perpetually shrinking, according to new data from NASA, which shows the appearance of new, tiny...

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A Universal Cancer Vaccine Might Be Closer Than You Think

There are so many cancers and so many things that can work in concert or independently to increase a person's cancer risk—to say nothing of the sheer scope and scale ...

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Access To Digital Technology Accelerates Global Gender Equality

In every industry, digital technologies are transforming the status quo. Now we have evidence that they are also bringing us closer to workplace equality. Digital fluency i...

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Safia Manto: The Woman Who Stood By The Writer Through All Times

So little is known and even less written about the women who have unflinchingly supported their celebrated men. It is true that SafiaDeen would not have been known had she ...

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Space-Grown Mouse Embryos Are a Step Toward Human Colonization

Chinese scientists are creeping a tiny bit closer to the future dream of humans colonizing and reproducing in space.
They’ve succeeded, reports the Chinese ...

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