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Video: Zookeepers Killed a Critically Endangered Gorilla After He Grabbed a Four-Year Old at the Zoo

A western lowland male gorilla in the Cincinnati Zoo was killed by keepers on Saturday after he dragged around a four-year-old boy who fell into the animal's enclosure, a z...

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Stonehenge, Easter Island, Venice: Climate Change Will Destroy Human History

Cultural heritage sites are beacons of our remarkable legacy as a species. They’re as diverse and complex as humanity itself, which is why UNESCO has designated 802 o...

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Bayer's Takeover Of Monsanto Would Create The World's Largest Agricultural Supplier

Anti-GMO activists are horrified at the prospect of German pharmaceutical giant Bayer purchasing American agrochemical company Monsanto, a proposed consolidation the activi...

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Beano For Bovines: Here's How Researchers Are Cutting Methane Emissions From Cows

Just as people plagued by flatulence have turned to diets and supplements for relief, scientists are seeking a cure for belching — and sometimes farting — cows....

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What's Killing The World's Teenagers? Road Accidents, Suicide, Floods

The leading cause of death among teenagers in the U.S. is road accidents — killing nearly 5,000 American kids between the ages of 10 and 19 in 2013.

Suicide a...

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Untold Thousands Of Patients Misdiagnosed As Vegetative Are Actually Aware. Theirs Is The Civil Rights Fight Of Our Times

Seasoned nurse came up to me after a lecture I’d given at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. She seemed shaken by my talk and I was surprised. She wo...

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Shell Oil Spill Prompts Renewed Calls For A Moratorium On Oil And Gas Development In The Gulf Of Mexico

A leak from an undersea pipeline network in the Gulf of Mexico released nearly 90,000 gallons of crude oil before being discovered and shut down, federal regulators said. Read More

Encryption Gets In The Way Of 75% Of Cases, Europol Chief Says

In the US, police and prosecutors continue to say encryption—the use of math to protect data from outside eyes, including those of the government—presents a sig...

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Why Widespread Fusion Energy Is Taking So Damn Long

The dream of fusion energy hit a roadblock on Monday after it was revealed that it would take at least another decade and 4 billion euros for an international coalition to ...

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Huge 'Dead Zones' Could Appear in the World's Oceans by 2030 Because of Climate Change

Man-made climate change is already cutting into oxygen levels in some parts of the world's oceans and could start producing new "dead zones" in some parts of the seas by 20...

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