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Aadhar Act: Congress hails the Supreme Court’s Verdict

In a statement issued, Shri. Ashok Gehlot, Shri. Kapil Sibal and Shri. Randeep Singh Surjewala said, the Congress Party welcomed the decision o...

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Goalkeepers Report 2018: ‘Young People are the Activists, Innovators, Leaders, and Workers of the Future’

Since 2000, more than a billion people have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty, says the Read More

Addressing the Case for Gendered NCD Policies

The newly launched report “Global Health 50-50” released by the Center for Gender and Global Health at the University College of Lo...

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When Music becomes a Violent Weapon

One of the most difficult times for countries and individuals to go through is war. History has shown us that music was used as a way to help s...

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Vaccination is Vital to stop the spread of Disease in the Community

Even if a small number of people are left unvaccinated, it can make a big difference. This would result in the ...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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The Risk of Financial Catastrophe due to Expensive Surgeries

For many medical conditions, surgery is the best – or in many cases – the only option available to ...

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‘New Anti-Trafficking Bill unjust to Victims’: UN Experts

India's first comprehensive anti-trafficking bill was passed in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, 26th July 2018. The ...

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India’s Foreign Policy lacks substantial gains; requires Reprioritization

When historians look back at this time they will say that India was at the cusp of greatness. A high demographi...

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Do Your Bit: Choose from the Many Alternatives to the Plastic Straw

A movement to ban disposable plastic straws is sweeping the world after gaining traction in cities and countries across the world, including...

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