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Images Of New Bleaching On Great Barrier Reef Heighten Fears Of Coral Death

The embattled Great Barrier Reef could face yet more severe coral bleaching in the coming month, with areas badly hit by last year’s event at risk of death. Images ta...

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Y V Chandrachud Memorial Lecture: SC Judge Speaks About Women’s Rights, Dignity

Individual dignity is a priceless possession and cherished value for the collective. The dignity of an individual has many aspects like liberty, equality, constitutional fr...

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Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Radiation At Highest Level Since 2011 Meltdown

Radiation levels inside a damaged reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station are at their highest since the plant suffered a triple meltdown almost six years ag...

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NASA's Groundbreaking New Development In Rocket Science Is … Paint?

Paint probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of rocket science, but NASA’s Ames Research Center has discovered it can use paint ...

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These Are The Best Satellite Images Of Earth's Weather Taken So Far

Get ready to revel in some next-level planetary beauty, because on Monday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released the first images taken by its...

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Making Sense Of Chaos

It is clear to every thinking person that our society is in a flux and whenever that happens, the first thing that comes under attack is freedom of expression. More often t...

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Mining For Smartphone Metals Could Kill Rare And Beautiful Deep Sea Creatures

Last March, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association exploration vessel Okeanos made a remarkable discovery while surveying the deep sea floor off of Hawaii. In the...

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Scientists Are Making Artificial Ice Storms

Climate change is predicted to increase the frequency of catastrophic weather events in the coming years. Regardless of how much carbon we c...

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90-Year-Old Runs In A Tribute To Manipur’s Women Warriors

Honouring women’s empowerment in India is about as rare as finding an ATM today that’s giving out hundreds with no line outside. So imagine our joy when we hear...

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Project Blue Wants To Photograph the Nearest Earth-like Planet

In 2009, NASA launched the Kepler space observatory into an orbit around the sun with the express purpose of using the satellite to discover Earth-like planets orbiting oth...

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