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Drastic Acceleration Of HIV Fight Needed To Stop AIDS Resurgence

The global HIV epidemic could see a resurgence in just five years without a drastic acceleration in efforts to prevent and treat the AIDS virus, the United Nations and dise...

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In Hindi Films, Strong Women Are A Formula That Works.

In the hit Hindi film of the season, an architect cares for her cantankerous father, enduring his careful analysis of his own constipation, his contempt for marriage, which...

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New Delhi, 15th May 2015: In the lead up to PM Modi’s visit to China, Network 18 hosted ‘The India – Chi...

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Abstract Property: Imperialism of Ideas

Science and religion have been polarized over the issue of consciousness since time immemorial. Science attributes this fundamental function of our species to tiny volts of...

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Climate Change Could kill 1 in 6 Earth Species

Currently, about 2.8 per cent of the species on Earth are at risk of extinction due to climate change that has already occurred. One in six species on Earth could be threat...

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PEST-LE Analysis ??Ultrasound Market

Over the last four decades, ultrasonography has emerged as one of the most important imaging techniques in modern medicine.

The bettered and newer applications, dec...

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What Is The US Government Doing To Prevent The Next Oil Pipeline Disaster?

Spring has finally arrived in Michigan, which for many of us means renewed hope that Enbridge, the company responsible for spilling more than 1 million gallons of tar sands...

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In the last week I happened to spend an evening with relatives who were visiting Mumbai from Jammu; my hometown and the place I took birth in. It’s a no-brainer that ...

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Rich Nations Urged To Cut Temperature Rise Targets

Senior scientist says voices of poorer nations must be heard in the political tussle over reducing the ?utterly inadequate? global warming limit. The official target of lim...

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An analysis of 1,500 films resulted in 1 disturbing conclusion

There have been 16 Bechdel-passing films that have grossed more than a billion dollars worldwide. Last year, Five Thirty Eight took a look at the financial implications of ...

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