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India Issues Pro-Trans Public Accomodations Guidelines

India‘s government has asked all states to let transgender people use any public toilet of their choice. The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation issued guidelin...

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Four Successful Female Directors On Gender Disparity In Hollywood

Most women directors don’t like to talk about gender. They’d rather just get on with their work. “I never think of myself as just being a female director,...

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I’m a Sex Worker Who Is Sick of Female Misogyny

So you’re a feminist, ey? You tell your kids that girls and boys are equal? That little ladies can grow up to be firefighters and astronauts, that boys can play with ...

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Why It Took Barry Manilowe So Long To Come Out?

It was more or less an open secret but iconic singer-songwriter Barry Manilow has officially come out as gay at the age of 73 in a People exclusive, nearly two years after ...

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Why 12.1 mn Divyaang Are Illiterate

At the launch of the government's Accessible India Campaign in December 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested the term "divyaang" -- which translates into "divine bo...

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Why Is Male Anger So Threatening?

Until about a year ago, I’d never really heard my boyfriend raise his voice. This was partly because we’d been living apart for our first two years together, so...

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Superpower Dreams: On How India Must Respond To A Low HDI Rank

India’s rank of 131 among 188 countries on the UNDP’s Human Development Index for 2015 and its ‘medium’ performance pose the uncomfortable question:...

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How Did a DD Show On Sex Education Become India’s Most Watched Television Programme?

The show uses the form of a highly charged soap, complete with dramatic music and cliff-hangers, to impart lessons on spacing between pregnancies, contraceptives, puberty, ...

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Does The Indian Millennial Woman Face Gender Discrimination At Work?

Over 90 per cent of India's millennial -- those born between 1980-2000 -- working women believe that they get equal opportunities regardless of gender, a C has revealed. Wo...

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Women and Work

“Historic imbalances in power relations between men and women, exacerbated by growing inequalities within and between societies and countries, are leading to greater ...

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