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Mill Valley Film Festival Grows To Destination For Industry Vets

Now in its 39th year, the Mill Valley Film Festival has grown from an intimate, three-day gathering in the artsy, hippie kingdom of the San Francisco Bay area to an 11-day ...

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Global Fish Production Approaching Sustainable Limit, UN Warns

Around 90% of the world’s stocks are now fully or overfished and production is set to increase further by 2025, according to report from UN’s food body Global f...

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Mining Companies Keep Draining Arctic Lakes And Moving All Of Their Fish

Though the plan may seem absurd at first blush, it's actually the second time the mining company has relocated fish from a lake in order to expand its open pit Meadowbank g...

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Plastic Waste Dumped In UK Seas 'Carried To Arctic Within Two Years

Marine plastic pollution is a huge problem, with 5tn pieces of plastic now floating in the world’s oceans. The plastic is frequently mistaken for food by fish and bir...

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Hit Hard By Climate Change, Rural Women In Sundarbans Turn Photographers

In the Bengali language ‘Sundarban’ can be literally translated as ‘beautiful forest’. A World Heritage Site, the area is the largest block of conti...

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Gillian Anderson Speaks For Orcas At Seaworld Annual Meeting

X-Files star Gillian Anderson spoke up for orcas during SeaWorld’s online annual meeting this week. She will submited a question on behalf of PETA — which owns ...

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Harnessing Local Pride For Global Conservation

The toughest problems to solve are the ones that are hard to detect and require humans to change their behavior. That puts conservation at the top of the list. According to...

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A Desperate Attempt To Save The World's Smallest Porpoise Could End Up Killing It Off

The last hope for helping the vaquita porpoise dodge extinction could be a project to capture some of the few that remain and breed them in semi-captivity, according to a g...

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Microplastics Killing Fish Before They Reach Reproductive Age, Study Finds

The growing problem of microplastics – tiny particles of polymer-type materials from modern industry – has been thought for several years to be a peri...

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True Review Television - An Epic Showcase

Thanks to Lost Recipes hosted by Aditya Bal for Epic Channel, I actually watched culinary masterpieces of my community.  No, it isn’t Dhansak and patra ni machch...

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