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The Volocopter Is Our Flying Car

Often, our visions for the future don’t come out look exactly like we pictured. The most futuristic technology I could dream up as a kid was a video phone, but it did...

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This Hydrogen-Powered, Zero-Emission Car Will Only Be Available On Subscription

Not convinced by the Tesla Model 3? Here’s an alternative approach to an eco-friendly car, which is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and claims zero emissions.

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Government Uber To Install Breathalysers In Bars In Association With Mumbai Police

Safety is of utmost importance to Mumbai Traffic Police, and with the recent increase in ‘drunken driving’ cases in the cities, the traffic police have become m...

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Beyond Ribbon Cutting

When we started Fixes, we were hoping that interested readers would write in with their own ideas and experiences.  Anyone who read the comments on our debut column, &...

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Bee Extinction Is Threatening The World’s Food Supply, UN Warns

Last Monday, members of nearly 100 national governments met in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur for a weeklong conference to discuss the threats facing animal pollinators...

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The Electric Car Industry Is Going To Make You Love Them

How many people are ready to kick the century-old gasoline habit?

American car buyers are signing for more electric cars than ever, and more manufacturers are enter...

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Air Pollution Kills 5.5 Million People A Year — Over Half Of Them In China, India

Air pollution caused more than 5.5 million premature deaths in 2013, with more than half of those occurring in China and India, according to a new study, and pollution mort...

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The People Building Elon Musk's Hyperloop

The hyperloop, Elon Musk’s futuristic, tube-based “fifth mode of transportation” has stoked imaginations unlike any recent transportation technology ...

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Elon Musk On The Hyperloop: 'I’m Starting To Think It’s Really Going To Happen'

Hyperloops will use partially pressurized tubes to propel “pods” or passenger cars on a bed of air at speeds of up to 760 mph. SpaceX hosted a competition this ...

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Amazing Things Happened When New Delhi Halved The Number Of Cars On The Road

On January 1, India's capital made an attempt to address its status as the world's most polluted big city, according to the World Health Organization, by implementing a tem...

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