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NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Set For Fourth Of July Arrival At Jupiter

Juno has spent five years traveling towards its destination, and has already produced some awesome observations as it has reached the final stretch of its journey. For inst...

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Tests Show We Could Build A Humongous Gravitational Wave Detector In Space

LISA Pathfinder is a super-nerdy (and super-exciting) mission to test the tech that will go into building a huge gravitational wave observatory affectionately known as LISA...

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SpaceX Is Already Working On Legal Approval For Its 2018 Mars Flight

I’ve been to the Humans to Mars Summit, an annual conference thrown by Explore Mars about speeding up human colonization of the Red Planet, a few times. It’s al...

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New Data From New Horizons Reveals Pure Water Ice On Pluto’s Moon Hydra

When scientists discovered a tiny moon orbiting Pluto back in 2005, they named it Hydra in keeping with the general Greco-Roman underworld theme established in the Plutonia...

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SpaceX Will Send Your Stuff to Mars Starting at $62 Million

Looking to chuck some of your belongings over to Mars? SpaceX has you covered, provided you have the dough. This weekend, the company updated its standard price options to ...

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Earth Day 2016: Five Inspiring Facts

How To Do Your Bit On Friday, leaders from 160 countries will officially sign the Paris Climate Agreement on Earth Day 2016. The deal was thrashed out in Paris last Decembe...

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A Tale Of Two Astronauts: Scott And Mark Kelly Begin New Phase Of NASA Twins Study

After nearly a year on the International Space Station, NASAastronaut Scott Kelly returned to Earth on Tuesday night, completing, along with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Korni...

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NASA Wants To Turn This Asteroid Into An Art Gallery

For emerging artists, finding gallery space to exhibit your art can be tough, especially if your art caters to niche interests (like, say, Sonic erotica). But luckily for a...

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NASA Engineers Unveil The First Light-Based Modem For Spacecraft

To send and receive data, orbiting spacecraft depend on radio-frequency communications. It's been this way since the 1957 launch of Sputnik 1, which made use of two radio f...

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A Japanese Probe That Was Lost In Space For 5 Years Has Finally Made It To Venus

Back in 2010, Akatsuki was launched into space to study the surface of Venus. While the spacecraft reached the planet on 7 December 2010, it didn’t quite enter o...

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