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Seeds For Cinema: An Interview With Dr Shravan Kumar, CEO, CFSI

“At CFSI we not only want to make films but also make film makers”
-Dr. Shravan Kumar
On the fifteenth of February, Director, Producer and Managing Di...

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NASA’s New Space Telescope Will Study Dark Energy And Earth-Sized Planets

It’s finally official: NASA’s next major telescope project will be the innovative Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST). The space telescope is projecte...

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Women Considered Better Coders – But Only If They Hide Their Gender

When a group of computer science students decided to study the way that gender bias plays out in software development communities, they assumed that coders would be prejudi...

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Rural Households Have Higher Debt Than Urban Counterparts: NSSO Report

A new survey by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) shows that rural households have higher debts than their urban counterparts. At the same time, an urban house...

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While The World Improves Its Record, Here's Why India Has World’s Most Stillborn Babies

Her pale, yellow eyes stood out against her dusky skin, and the grief was visible on the face of the young woman from a tribe of traditional honey gatherers living on the e...

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India Drinks And Smokes Less Now

The preliminary findings from National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) released last week have given anti-tobacco campaigners a reason to smile. The survey has found that acr...

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India Still Has A High Rate Of Malnutrition, Reveals New National Health Survey

Malnutrition in India is still high and the number of malnourished children in West Bengal is more than it was a decade back, according to the fourth National Family Health...

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In Winter, Mumbai Uses More Power For Acs Than Any Other Indian Metro: Study

MUMBAI: The Indian winter appears to be the warmest in Mumbai going by the pattern of electricity consumption through air conditioners and refrigerators. A study by The Ene...

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Nigerian Woman Develops App To Reduce Mortality Rate In Africa

Miss Kesandu Nwokolo, a young Nigerian, has developed a mobile phone application to help reduce infant and maternal mortality in Africa. In a statement obtained by the News...

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Your Birth Control Pills And Hamburgers Might Be Making These Fish Intersex

A strange thing is happening to male smallmouth and largemouth bass swimming in waterways in parts of the Northeast: They are increasingly showing up with characteristics o...

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