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Can carbon budgets divert the world from dangerous climate change?

It's not a pretty picture. The IPCC is brutally honest about where it can't provide certainty, such as the exact extent of specific kinds of extreme weather in th...

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Global warming proponents and sceptics agree on one point: study into myth of 'pause' merits more research

A study suggesting that the pause in global warming is not real has managed to unify climate scientists and their arch-sceptics over the need for further research to clarif...

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Climate-friendly investments key in sustainable development

Businesses that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy, and other such agenda that help lessen climate change impact took the spotlight at a fringe event...

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Earth's poles are shifting because of climate change

"Ice melting and sea level change can explain 90 per cent of the [eastward shift]," says Chen. "The driving force for the sudden change is climate change." Click ...

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Odisha set to implement Climate Change Action Plan

With Climate Change becoming a phenomenon affecting almost every part of the world, local governments are taking it into their hands to turn things around. Odisha, a state ...

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Remembering Nelson Mandela and His Fight for Climate Justice

Nelson Mandela has been a fighter for Human and Civil Rights his entire life. However, not much is known
about his fight for climate change and the people that have be...

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Africa: ‘Green Economies’ for Africa’s Sustainable Development

Africa can achieve sustainable development by scaling up “green economy” initiatives.The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) defines a green economy ini...

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China Releases Blueprint for Adapting to Climate Change

China issued its first nation-wide blueprintfor adapting to climate change, as governments around the world shift their efforts from focusing solely on curbing global warmi...

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A paradigm shift taking place in Indian Politics reflects that a time has come for the politician to deliver what has been promised to the voter, or else he will be shown t...

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European Union - Approved 'safe' air pollution levels causing early deaths, shows study

Air pollution in the European Union is causing premature deaths even when levels meet quality guidelines, a report has shown. Even in areas where pollution was much lower t...

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