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Peter Gabriel Remembers Nelson Mandela At WITNESS Benefit

Human rights organization WITNESS celebrated its 9th Annual Focus For Change Be...

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Zach Galifianakis helps Pardcast-A-Thon raise charity cash

Never Not Funny and Jimmy Pardo are pleased to announce the success of the Fifth Annual Pardcast-a-Thon fundraiser to benefit Read More

Diseases on the move because of climate change

Coccidioides is a fungus that lives in the soil in the southwestern United States. It can cause a respiratory infection known as Valley Fever or “cocci.” Cases ...

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$12 Billion Is Pledged to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

The amount pledged by donor countries over three years to a global fund was more than the amount raised in 2010, but far short of the goal.Click Read More


Vinta Nanda
Managing Director
Asian Center for Entertainment & Educatio...

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The Eye of the Storm

Vinta Nanda
Managing Director
Asian Center for Entertainment & Edu...

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Happiness: A Goal Worth Pursuing

As daunting as it may be, defining what makes us happy is imperative in modern society. The Neolithic revolution, which took place approximately 12 thousand years ago, was ...

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Rihanna and UNICEF come to the aid for the Philippines

UNICEF Supporter Rihanna helped kick-off the campaign and raise awarenes...

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Truth or Dare…? The Alchemy of Desire Deconstructed

I am completely compelled and driven by an intense need to write this piece because I’m no longer now, able to be in denial of the force driving me to give some persp...

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Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation donates $3 Million to Tiger conservation

On the third anniversary of the historic Global Tiger Summit the Leonardo ...

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