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How Big Oil Taught Big Tobacco To Bend Science

Over the past year, revelations about what the giants of the US petroleum industry knew decades ago about climate change have had a familiar ring to them.
Several obse...

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Stephen Hawking To Headline Science And Music Festival In Norway

The theoretical physicist will deliver a lecture at Starmus IV in Trondheim when it moves from the Canary Islands next year to examine origin and evolution, the human brain...

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Investing In A Child's Early Years For A Stronger Economy

Over the next two decades, India will have one of the youngest and largest working age populations in the world. On one hand, this is promising news. But for India to capit...

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Marvel's New Iron Man Is A 15 Year Old Black Girl

Tony Stark is hanging up his Iron Man suit, but it will be quickly donned by a new hero, a 15-year-old black girl named Riri Williams. And that’s canon. ‘Riri i...

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How Scientists Will Turn Your Smartphone Into A Lie Detector

This is the future one Toronto start-up, NuraLogix, is proposing. Their image processing software, called
Transdermal Optical Imaging, claims to decode hidden emotion...

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Feminism By Thoughtful Omission In Sci-Fi & Fantasy

When I started showing an interest in science-fiction and fantasy, my mom—herself a lifelong fan of the genre—put stack after stack of books in front of me. The...

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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

"It's a promising result," said Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science who was not involved in the project. "If this could be done at a l...

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The 5 Books Bill Gates Thinks You Should Read This Summer

Balmy beach days usually send readers in search of juicy, fast-paced dramas, but for Bill Gates, the summer heat is equally great for nerdy escapism. In a new blog post the...

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China Wants TO Build A Deep Sea 'Space Station'

The manned deep sea platform would sit 9,800 feet under disputed waters in the South China Sea, and would be a key resource in China’s offshore mining efforts, accord...

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American Scientists Want To Manufacture Synthetic Human Genomes

It’s only been 13 years since scientists at National Human Genome Research Institute finished sequencing the human genome, but now another group of American scientist...

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