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YouTube Kids is not Kids-friendly Anymore!

YouTube is the most used video streaming service for adults as well as kids. That is why Google even created a YouTube Kids App back in 2015 for children who can enjoy whil...

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Children’s Film Festivals – an Opportunity for Children to Live their Dream

Children's film festivals all over the world is a global community from which both children and adults benefit from. These festivals introduce young audiences to internatio...

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Remedying a Greek Tragedy

In a small corner of Athens in Greece, everyday, a group of migrant women gather- not to formulate protests or prepare speeches, but to teach.

Classes range from se...

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Emily Wilson the first Woman to translate Homer’s Odyssey into English

“The Odyssey” is the second of the two epic poems attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer (the first being “The Iliad”), and usually considered t...

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Highlights of the DOC NYC Film Festival

Documentary storytelling is flourishing like never before – encompassing reportage, memoir, history, humour and more. DOC NYC Film Festival celebrates this cultural p...

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DP Nancy Schreiber bags the Susan B. Anthony ‘Failure is Impossible’ Award at High Falls Film Festival

Nancy Schreiber is an award-winning cinematographer based in both New York and Los Angeles. She was the fourth woman ever voted into membership into the prestigious America...

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Colombia to host The Classics – the Festival of Films that will Live Forever

Have you ever wanted to watch Sunset Boulevard on the big screen? Popcorn in your hand and glitter in your eyes. May be the Rear Window? Rebel Without...

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Landmarks in Women's Rights – A Struggle full of Highs and Lows

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead<...

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Martin Scorsese teaches filmmaking online

"Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out" - Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese drew his first storyboard when he was eight. Today he’s a legenda...

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Archie's Four Lives

Paul Auster’s 4321 has made it to the Man Booker Award shortlist this year—the extraordinary 880-page tome that is as much about its protagon...

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