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Kern Aggarwal and Ranjani Prabhakaran - Wedded to making a difference

Kern Agarwal and Ranjani Prabakaran, a couple from Chennai left their daily routine jobs to plunge full-time into organic farming. They took an initiative to promote organi...

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Health Care for Elderly – a Reality or a Myth?

As per the research of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, the number of people above the age of 60 has increased from 2 crores in 1951 to over 7.6 crores in 2001....

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India's Failing Healthcare System

India's failing healthcare system, with latest tragedies from Gorakhpur and Farrukhabad in Uttar Pradesh, makes one question the system and the options involved, especially...

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The Lack of the Land

We may be the 4th fastest growing economy in the world, but something as basic as food is still a source of worry for a majority of our people.

A survey by the Nati...

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Digitising the Deccan

In a small-town in Maharashtra, a quiet digital revolution is taking place, creating a model district that helps communities and authorities to locate problems in real-time...

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A Different Take on Health

India needs to improve its healthcare systems, and the recent Gorakhpur tragedy is just more evidence of the same. The question is not just of spending more bucks, it is ab...

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Jackie Chan's Helping Hand to the Blind

Jackie Chan recently launched an operation in collaboration with the Beijing Tongren Opthalmology Department to help visually-impaired Tibetans undergo surgical procedures....

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Sustaining Sanitation

With the Prime Minister riding high on the publicity of the Swachh Bharat Mission, clean India seems to be an achievable dream today, but statistics say otherwise.


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Drumming in the Darkness

As the world readies itself to observe a complete solar eclipse on the 21st August 2017, several people in the United States are preparing themselves for a diffe...

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Opening Minds about Open Defecation

Open defecation, although, is on a decline worldwide, it is still widely practiced by 950 million open defecators in the world, 569 million of which are in India.


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