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Remedying a Greek Tragedy

In a small corner of Athens in Greece, everyday, a group of migrant women gather- not to formulate protests or prepare speeches, but to teach.

Classes range from se...

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A Bad Moms Christmas

Cast: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Cheryl Hines, Christine Baranski, Susan Sarandon

Direction: Scott Moore, Jon Lucas

Producer: Suzanne Todd, Bil...

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#MeToo & #BalanceTonPorc - Women’s Global Fight against Harassment goes Online


The recent allegations against film mogul Harvey Weinstein have sparked a global conversation about the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. Women, n...

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#MeToo – Do Sexual Harassers keep Good Science from Happening?

 Boston University (BU) is investigating sexual harassment complaints made against a prominent Antarctic geologist by two of his former graduate students. The women al...

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Rape as a Weapon of Destruction

Rape and sexual slavery are actively being used as means of warfare in Central African Republic, with armed forces on both sides guilty of it.

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Martin Scorsese teaches filmmaking online

"Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out" - Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese drew his first storyboard when he was eight. Today he’s a legenda...

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Displacement follows terror: Rights of millions concerns our world.

"They forced us onto trucks like animals".  A 55-page report titled thus has shook the world. The document, chronicles the atrocities committed by Cameroonian...

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The Slate Wiped Clean

As life spans increase in modern times, one of the consequent risks is age-related memory loss or dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease attacks the brain and slowly wipes the...

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Blood in the Rakhine

The United Nations recognizes every individual, by virtue of birth, to have an equal right to dignity, and consider this the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the...

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Conversations from Khyber

Two Women and a Camera is a fantastic documentary filmed by Madiha Chaudary and Nazish Sajjad from Pakistan; yet, the story behind its making is as good as a scrip...

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