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Crowdfunded LGBTQ Film From India Is Hoping For A Cannes Premiere

Sisak, which claims to be the country's "first silent LGBTQ film," is a wordless love story that unfolds between two strangers aboard local trains in Mumbai. The film's tra...

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Human Rights Report Cites Host Of Violations

The Telangana Chapter of Working Group on Human Rights in India and UN released the ‘Human Rights in India Joint Stakeholders’ Report’ for UN Universal Pe...

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Blank Noise Movement Speaks Out Against Sexual Harassment

When the clock struck midnight, and we welcomed the New Year, Bengaluru had another tale to tell — a mob of men caused utter chaos as they sexually harassed women who...

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How Breaking One of the Most Basic Physical Laws Might Explain Dark Energy

A group of theoretical physicists from France and Mexico has offered a fun new what-if for dark energy, one of physics' most profound outstanding mysteries. As described in...

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Indian Women Seeing Abortions Beyond 20 Weeks Face Desperate Legal Struggles

On Monday, the Supreme Court allowed a woman from Mumbai who is 24 weeks pregnant to have an abortion because her foetus had anancephaly – a life threatening conditio...

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India's New Legislation Offers Hope

Last month, the Indian Parliament passed much needed and long awaited legislation on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in India. The new disability law is going to af...

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India Bans Import Of Exotic Furs & Crocodile Skin – Animal Rights Activists Are Thrilled!

The Indian government may be under fire for things aplenty, but they’re also on fire when it comes to putting down the law for the protection of animals and, especial...

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Beijing Creates Anti-Smog Police To Tackle Air Polluters

Beijing will create an environmental police force aimed at tackling deadly smog, after the Chinese capital spent the first week of 2017 mostly shrouded in a thick haze of p...

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The Nowhere People

People migrating due to environmental disasters should be accorded ‘refugee’ status in international law An increasing number of people globally are facing disp...

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Delhi’s Going Seriously Green With Their New Plastic Ban

The National Green Tribunal of New Delhi has banned the use of disposable plastic in Delhi and NCR, which should come as a silver lining as reports of Delhi’s sickeni...

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